Quarterly Review Q4 of 2024 opens from 1st till 15th of January 2025.
♦ Prior to booking of an Appointment before visiting only via this link: https://qizunit.setmore.com*
The QIZ company is requested to check the Auditor’s code by entering the QIZ reference number
in the Review Form (Form of Q4-2024) before filling out the form in order to book on the
quarterly review booking website.
The QIZ company is requested to check the Auditor’s code by entering the QIZ reference number in the Review Form (Form of Q4-2024) before filling out the form in order to book on the quarterly review booking website.
The review will not take place without booking, and the reserved appointment must be adhered
to so that your company’s time slot does not conflict with a slot reserved for another company.
Kindly be informed that no bookings will be valid except through this link.
* Booking review slots is done during official working hours only (from Sun. thru Thurs.
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
- Please deliver original Authorization for Review covering the quarter under review with a verified bank signature or Power of Attorney "dealing with the Ministry of Industry, the QIZ Unit".
♦ All QIZ companies must send a complete Quarterly Review Form to review@qizegypt.gov.eg and info@qizegypt.gov.eg.
♦ Documents are required to be scanned in colour high resolution using a scanner and not a mobile camera. The company is committed to providing all documents under review (Exports and Imports) scanned and submitted on an electronic medium (Flash Memory).
Kindly be informed that a separate Flash Memory must be submitted for each quarter.
The company must keep all previous documents for a period of five years in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol and as referred to in Announcements no. 91 and 53 ..
The review process will not take place without submitting a Flash Memory including all scanned Expoprts and Imports documents subject to review ..
♦ Kindly check updated Quarterly Review procedures carefully from the following link: Quarterly Review procedures

♦ In order to receive the renewed QIZ Certificate for your registered company under the QIZ Protocol, please read and follow the following procedures carefully:
1- Read the procedures carefully.
2- Fill in the Update Form* and send to us by email <info@qizegypt.gov.eg>
* All information in the form is required in English and Arabic.
Please ensure that the name of the company and its address are written correctly as per the official documents.
3- Send scanned high resolution PDF copies of supporting documents.
The required documents are:
- Commercial Register
- Industrial Register or a Statement from the General Authority for Investment & Free Zones (GAFI)
- Tax ID
4- Send via email a scanned high resolution PDF of:
Signed and stamped Authorization with name of company representative + scanned copy of ID (front and back)
5- You will receive a Confirmation e-mail that required documents are complete, and booking an appointment
via email to receive the renewed certificate.
Booking an appointment is required.
QIZ Unit Premises:
Ministry of Trade and Industry Premises "Visitors Gate", Governmental District,
Administrative Capital (2nd Floor, Office 2144)

Kindly be informed that QIZ Unit premises has been transferred to the 2nd Floor, Office 2144 in Ministry of Trade and Industry premises in the Governmental District in the Administrative Capital, ..
Where Booking an appointment is required
♦ Registration Department:
only via email info@qizegypt.gov.eg
♦ Review Department:
Contact: review@qizegypt.gov.eg
- Prior booking only through: https://qizunit.setmore.com/
The review will not take place without booking, and the reserved appointment must be adhered to so that your company’s time slot does not conflict with a slot reserved for another company.
Kindly be informed that no bookings will be valid except through this link.
Working Hours: Sundays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Appointments should be confirmed by email before visiting.

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2024 opens from 1st till 15th of October 2024 (Sundays through Thursdays: 9 am - 1 pm).
♦ Prior booking of an Appointment before visiting only via this link: https://qizunit.setmore.com*
The review will not take place without booking, and the reserved appointment must be adhered
to so that your company’s time slot does not conflict with a slot reserved for another company.
Kindly be informed that no bookings will be valid except through this link.
* Booking review slots is done during official working hours only (from Sun. thru Thurs.
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
- Please deliver original Authorization for Review covering the quarter under review with a verified bank signature or power of attorney "dealing with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the QIZ Unit".
♦ All QIZ companies must send a complete Quarterly Review Form to review@qizegypt.gov.eg and info@qizegypt.gov.eg.
♦ Documents are required to be scanned in colour high resolution using a scanner and not a mobile camera. The company is committed to providing all documents under review (Exports and Imports) scanned and submitted on an electronic medium (Flash Memory). The company must keep all previous documents for a period of five years in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol and as referred to in Announcements no. 91 and 53 ..
The review process will not take place without submitting a Flash Memory including all scanned Expoprts and Imports documents subject to review ..
♦ Kindly check updated Quarterly Review procedures carefully from the following link: Quarterly Review procedures

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2024 opens from 1st till 15th of July 2024 (Sundays through Thursdays: 9 am - 1 pm).
♦ Prior booking of an Appointment before visiting only via this link: https://qizunit.setmore.com*
The review will not take place without booking, and the reserved appointment must be adhered
to so that your company’s time slot does not conflict with a slot reserved for another company.
Kindly be informed that no bookings will be valid except through this link.
* Booking review slots is done during official working hours only (from Sun. thru Thurs.
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
- Please deliver original Authorization for Review covering the quarter under review with a verified bank signature or power of attorney "dealing with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the QIZ Unit".
Companies are committed to book with an auditor according to the following:
- Companies Ref. 1 - 74 with Auditor A
- Companies Ref. 75 – 529 with Auditor B
- Companies Ref. 530 – 812 with Auditor C
- Companies Ref. 813 - 1191 with Auditor D
♦ Documents are required to be scanned in colour high resolution using a scanner and not a mobile camera. The company is committed to providing all documents under review (Exports and Imports) scanned and submitted on an electronic medium (Flash Memory). The company must keep all previous documents for a period of five years in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol and as referred to in Announcements no. 91 and 53 ..
The review process will not take place without submitting a Flash Memory including all scanned Expoprts and Imports documents subject to review ..
♦ Kindly check updated Quarterly Review procedures carefully from the following link: Quarterly Review procedures

إجراءات المراجعة الربع سنوية
السادة الأفاضل مصانع المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة
تحية طيبة وبعد ،،،
يرجى قراءة واتباع جميع الإجراءات بدقة، ومتابعتها دوريا لمعرفة أي تحديث بالإجراءات
يجب حجز موعد مسبق للحضور عن طريق الموقع الإلكتروني: https://qizunit.setmore.com*
يرجى من الشركة اختيار رقم الكويز بنموذج المراجعة (نموذج الربع الرابع 2024) قبل البدء في ملء النموذج حتى يتسنى لها معرفة كود المراجع لتتمكن من الحجز بموقع حجز مواعيد المراجعة الربع سنوية ..
لن تتم المراجعة بدون الحجز، ويجب الالتزام بالموعد المحجوز حتى لا تتعارض الفترة الزمنية لشركتكم مع فترة محجوزة لشركة أخرى.
كما يرجى العلم أنه لا يعتد بأي حجز سوى من خلال هذا الرابط.
* تحديد المواعيد أثناء مواعيد العمل الرسمية فقط (من الأحد إلى الخميس، من 9 صباحاً إلى 2 مساءاً) ..
- يرجى تسليم أصل تفويض المراجعة الذي يغطي الربع محل المراجعة بصحة توقيع بنكي أو توكيل مُدرَج به التعامل مع وزارة التجارة والصناعة وحدة المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة
مواعيد المراجعة الربع سنوية:
- الربع الأول: 1-15 إبريل
- الربع الثاني: 1-15 يوليو
- الربع الثالث: 1-15 أكتوبر
الربع الرابع: 1-15 يناير
♦ نماذج المراجعة الربع سنوية 2024:
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الأول 2024)
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الثاني 2024)
- ** نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الثالث 2024) **
- ** نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الرابع 2024) **
** يرجى من الشركة اختيار رقم الكويز بنموذج المراجعة قبل البدء في ملء النموذج حتى يتسنى لها معرفة كود المراجع
لتتمكن من الحجز بموقع حجز مواعيد المراجعة الربع سنوية ..
♦ نماذج المراجعة الربع سنوية 2023:
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الأول 2023)
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الثاني 2023)
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الثالث 2023)
- نموذج المراجعة الربع سنوية (الربع الرابع 2023)
* يرجى العلم أنه تتم المراجعة دون تقديم وسيط إلكتروني (Flash Memory) في كل زيارة به كافة مستندات الصادر والوارد محل المراجعة ممسوحة ضوئياً .. كما يرجى العلم أنه يجب تقديم Flash Memory منفصلة لكل ربع على حدا.
- مع الالتزام بإحضار صور ضوئية على وسيط إلكتروني Flash Memory مع كل تحديث لمستندات المراجعة الربع سنوية في كل زيارة لقسم المراجعة.
- وفي حالة تقديم أي مراجعة أو تحديث لمستندات المراجعة الربع سنوية بعد مواعيد المراجعة المقررة:
يرجى تقديم طلب على ورق الشركة مختوما وموقعا مع ذكر تفاصيل المستند المقدم وبأي ربع مع ذكر سبب التأخير.
جميع المستندات التالية تُقَدَم ورقياً كما هو مُعتَاد وذلك للفحص في قسم المراجعة
ملف 1: مستندات التصدير المطلوبة (بالترتيب):
- ملف الإقرار الجمركي (نموذج رقم 13) للشحنة (الأصل: يحمل ختم الجمارك المصرية "مناطق صناعية مؤهلة" على كل شحنة مصدرة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية طبقاً لبروتوكول المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة)
- الفاتورة التجارية يحمل ختم الجمارك المصرية "مناطق صناعية مؤهلة" (الأصل)
- البوصلة إن وجدت (صورة)
- النموذج الإحصائي (الأصل): يحمل ختم الهيئة العامة للرقابة على الصادرات والواردات
- بوالص الشحن (صورة): لكل شحنة مصدرة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية طبقاً لبروتوكول المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة
ملف 2: مستندات الاستيراد المطلوبة (بالترتيب):
- ملف الإقرار الجمركي (نموذج رقم 46) للشحنة (الأصل: يحمل ختم الجمارك المصرية "مناطق صناعية مؤهلة" على كل شحنة مستوردة من إسرائيل طبقاً لبروتوكول المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة).
- الفاتورة التجارية (الأصل): يحمل ختم الجمارك الإسرائيلية ويتضمن إقرار المنشأ الإسرائيلي) ليغطي الحد الأدنى 10.5 % بالإضافة إلى ختم الجمارك المصرية "مناطق صناعية مؤهلة"
- شهادة المنشأ (الأصل: تحمل ختم الجمارك الإسرائيلية في حالة عدم توافر إقرار المنشأ على الفاتورة)
- بيان العبوة (صورة): يحمل ختم الجمارك: يحمل ختم الجمارك الإسرائيلية
- فواتير الخدمات (إن وجدت)
- أصل الخطاب البنكي يحتوي على معامل تحويل عملة الفاتورة مُقابِل الدولار الأمريكي وذلك يوم وتاريخ الفاتورة (فقط في حال اختلاف عملة الفاتورة عن الدولار الأمريكي)
- أصل التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل منها وأصل تفويض تسليم التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل إليها وكلاهما بصحة توقيع بنكي (فقط في حالة تقديم تنازل كلي)
- أصل التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل منها وأصل تفويض تسليم التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل إليها وكلاهما بصحة توقيع بنكي وصورة الفاتورة الكلية المُدرَج بها أرقام وقيم الفواتير الجزئية (فقط في حالة تقديم تنازل جزئي)
مستندات أخرى:
1- الطلبات المُوَجَهَة للسيد رئيس الوحدة على مطبوعات الشركة مختومة بختم الشركة ومُوَقَعَة بتوقيع رئيس مجلس الإدارة أو من ينوب عنه
2- أصل التفويض يغطي الفترة (الربع) محل المراجعة بصحة توقيع بنكي أو توكيل مُدرَج به التعامل مع وزارة التجارة والصناعة وحدة المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة
* تلتزم الشركة بتقديم كافة المستندات محل المراجعة ممسوحة ضوئياً وتقدم على وسيط إلكتروني(Flash Memory) وتقوم الشركة بالاحتفاظ بجميع المستندات السابقة لمدة خمس سنوات وفقاً لأحكام البروتوكول وكما هو مُشَار إليه في المنشورين أرقام ٩١ و ٥٣ ..
ولم تتم المراجعة دون تقديم الوسيط إلكتروني(Flash Memory) به كافة مستندات الصادر والوارد محل المراجعة ممسوحة ضوئياً ..
المستندات الآتية يجب مسحها ضوئياً (scan) بالألوان بوضوح وذلك بماسحة ضوئية (scanner) وليس بكاميرا الهاتف المحمول
1- أصل الفاتورة الإسرائيلية المختومة بختم الجمرك الإسرائيلي لكل الفواتير مع مراعاة ترتيب الفواتير طبقا لنموذج المراجعة
2- أصل الخطاب البنكي لفاتورة الوارد يحتوي على معامل تحويل عملة الفاتورة مُقابِل الدولار الأمريكي وذلك يوم وتاريخ الفاتورة (فقط في حال التصدير بعملة غير الدولار الأمريكي)
3- أصل التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل منها وأصل تفويض تسليم التنازل من الشركة المُتَنَازَل إليها وكلاهما بصحة توقيع بنكي (فقط في حالة تقديم وارد غير مباشر كلي أو جزئي)
4- الطلبات المُوَجَهَة للسيد رئيس الوحدة على مطبوعات الشركة مختومة بختم الشركة ومُوَقَعَة بتوقيع رئيس مجلس الإدارة أو من ينوب عنه
5- أصل التفويض يغطي الفترة (الربع) محل المراجعة بصحة توقيع بنكي أو توكيل مُدرَج به التعامل مع وزارة التجارة والصناعة وحدة المناطق الصناعية المؤهلة
نموذج المراجعة الخاص بالربع المُرَاد مراجعته + كود حجز الموعد الذي حصلتم عليه من الموقع الإلكتروني أعلاه؛ يجب إرسالهم إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني <review@qizegypt.gov.eg> و <info@qizegypt.gov.eg>
مع التأكد من مسح scan كافة المستندات محل المراجعة ضوئياً (سواء مراجعة للربع أو أي تحدييثات لفواتير أو مستندات) وتقديمها على وسيط إلكتروني (Flash Memory) لقسم المراجعة بوحدة الكويز، كما يجب تقديم Flash Memory منفصلة لكل ربع على حدا.
مع مراعاة ما يلي:
1- ملء جميع بيانات نموذج المراجعة بالكامل؛ رقم الشركة والصادر والوارد، وذلك باللغة الإنجليزية
2- تحري الدقة عند إدخال اسم المستورد الأمريكي، وتصنيف المُنتَج Gender - Product - Fabric Type
3- الإرسال قبل مَوْعِد الحضور بيوم
4- كتابة رقم الكويز الخاص بالشركة في عنوان رسالة البريد الإلكتروني
5- المُفَوَض لأكثر من شركة، عليه إرسال رسالة بريد إلكتروني منفصلة لكل شركة
6- تجميع المستندات وإرسالها في رسالة بريد إلكتروني واحدة فقط
7- عدم تكرار إرسال رسالة البريد الإلكتروني
جميع الملفات المُرسَلَة إلى review@qizegypt.gov.eg و info@qizegypt.gov.eg يجب إرسالها من أي من عناوين البريد الإلكتروني الثلاثة المُسَجَلَة لدى الوحدة ولن يتم الإلتفات إلى أي رسائل تُرسَل من أي عنوان بخلاف ذلك
في حالة مرافقة السيد المُفَوَض لآخرين، نرجو التكرم من سيادتهم التفضل بالانتظار في الاستقبال في الطابق الأرضي لحين انتهاء السيد المفوض من المراجعة
يجب تقديم المستندات بدون حافظة بلاستيكية شفافة، ويُكتَفَى فقط بتدبيس المستندات
نؤكد على حضراتكم ضرورة الإلمام التام بسير العمل والتفضل بالالتزام بالإرشادات
خالص الأمنيات لحضراتكم بالتوفيق والسداد
قسم المراجعة
تفويض تسليم مستندات المراجعة: https://bit.ly/3NHBlij
نموذج المراجعة الخاص بالربع المُرَاد مراجعته: https://bit.ly/3NIP0pr
تنازل كلي من الشركة المُتَنَازَل منها: https://bit.ly/47eG5Tu
تفويض تسليم تنازل كلي من الشركة المُتَنَازَل إليها: https://bit.ly/41EgYZ2
تنازل جزئي من الشركة المُتَنَازَل منها: https://bit.ly/3tvqNvS
تفويض تسليم تنازل جزئي من الشركة المُتَنَازَل إليها: https://bit.ly/3GWWgu5
الفاتورة الكلية المُدرَج بها أرقام وقيم الفواتير الجزئية: https://bit.ly/3tvqNvS

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2023 will open from 1st till 15th of October 2023.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2023 will open from 1st till 15th of July 2023.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q1 of 2023 will open from 1st till 15th of April 2023.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q4 of 2022 will open from 1st till 15th of January 2023.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2022 will open from 1st till 15th of October 2022.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2022 will open from 1st till 15th of July 2022.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q1 of 2022 will open from 1st till 15th of April 2022.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

On March 22nd, 2022, QIZ Egypt organized a webinar with the U.S. Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) to promote Egypt as a mecca and sourcing destination for supplying the needs of major American ready-made garments buyers.
Ms. Julia Hughes the head of USFIA launched the webinar and Mrs. Marie Louis Bishara the President of the Ready – Made Garments Export Council, Mr. Ehab Mohi Eldin the Chairman of Alex Apparel the largest RMGs exporter to the U.S. and 50 of the largest RMGs American companies attended.
Dr. Ashraf El Rabiey, Head of the QIZ Egypt Unit, pointed out during the webinar that the past year witnessed many achievements by Egypt achieving about 50% growth rate, which was considered the highest growth rate among the top 20 exporting countries of textiles and ready - made garments to the U.S.
The past year also witnessed the visits of many investors from several Asian countries which are traditionally known for their textiles production including Sri Lanka which recently set up a factory in Egypt, as well as investors from Bangladesh and China who are currently studying shifting their investments to Egypt.
Dr. El Rabiey stressed on the importance of the American side considering carrying out their sourcing activities with Egypt based on the current global circumstances and the tendency of many American companies to search for alternative sources to supply their needs. This comes in addition to the rise of labor wages and shipping costs in many Asian countries and the tendency for further increases in these costs during the coming period, pointing that we are fully prepared to assist the American buyers.
Mrs. Marie Louis Bishara delivered a presentation entitled “Egypt: Your Duty Free Sourcing Destination”, in which she explained the latest developments in the ready – made garments and textiles industry in Egypt and the vertical integration in the industry. She invited the attendees of the webinar to attend the Egyptian Fashion Week which will be held in Egypt during the period 19th -22nd of May, 2022.
Following the webinar, QIZ Egypt Unit received a letter from Ms. Julia Huges the president of USFIA commending the joint efforts of QIZ Egypt in organizing the webinar and expressed her willingness to publish the data of the Egyptian Fashion Week among the American companies and she was furnished by the right data.

QIZ Egypt in collaboration with the Egyptian Economic and Commercial Service Bureau in Beijing organized a webinar on February 24th, 2022 with China National Association for Glass Industry and 10 of the top Chinese glass products manufacturers.
The webinar aimed at discussing the means of attracting Chinese glass production investments to Egypt, increasing QIZ exports of glass products to the U.S. market and the possibilities of settling this industry in the Sinai.
Mr. Hazem Beshr participated in the webinar on behalf of the glass industries sector in the Chemicals & Fertilizers Export Council and Mr. Mohamed Abu Harga the Advisor to the Chamber of Chemical Industries for Technical Affairs represented the Federation of Egyptian Industries.
Dr. Ashraf El Rabiey the Head of the QIZ Egypt Unit delivered a presentation on the QIZ protocol and the major points of strength, incentives and benefits of investing in the Egyptian market. He pointed out the current investment opportunities in the Egyptian glass manufacturing sector. He also referred to the export opportunities of glass products to the American market through the protocol benefiting from the high tariff on these products in the U.S. reaching up to 28%, citing the recent success stories of foreign glass production investors in QIZ.
Moreover, Dr. El Rabiey confirmed that the Egyptian sands are of an unbeatable and extremely high quality. Sinai sands in particular are well known for their low iron content and their appropriate size of granules. This is suitable for the industry without the need for further chemical treatments for iron separation compared to other types of sand. He mentioned that the Egyptian sands are exported to many countries as raw materials for the glass manufacturing industry.
The Head of the Economic and Commercial Bureau in Beijing Mr. Ahmed Zaki delivered a speech pointing at the distinguished historical ties linking both countries at all levels. He referred to the recent mutual official visits exchanged between the leaders of both countries. He emphasized that China is the most important trading partner to Egypt with a volume of trade which reached recently about $20 billion and with a value of Egyptian exports which reached about $1.8 billion.
In her speech, Mrs. Zheng Wuhong the President of the China National Association for Glass Industry praised pointed at the distinguished relations between Egypt and China and the remarkable results of the official visits exchanged between the leaders of the two countries.
She referred to the long and ancient history which both Egypt and China enjoy in in the field of the glass production industry, expressing her aspirations that the upcoming period would witness win-win cooperation between both countries making this industry grow and contribute significantly to the economic prosperity of both countries.
At the end of the webinar, it was agreed to coordinate with the ECS Bureau in Beijing to arrange delegations of the Chinese glass products manufacturers to visit Egypt as soon as the travel restrictions to and from China are lifted. QIZ Egypt welcomed and expressed its readiness to receive any inquiries from the Chinese association and its member companies concerning investing in Egypt. The association agreed on publishing the data of the upcoming QIZ webinars and any data needed by the Chinese glass manufacturers on the website of the association.

QIZ Egypt in collaboration with the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency and USAID Trade Reform and Development in Egypt (TRADE) organized a workshop on February 23rd, 2022 in the context of the initiative of QIZ Egypt to support 80 Small Sized companies which recorded a volume of exports less than 1 Million USD in 2021.
The ratio of exports of these companies constituted 2.4% of the total volume of QIZ exports in 2021 which recorded about 1.2 Billion USD.
The workshop aimed at studying the actual needs of these companies to increase their exports to the U.S. market, and whether they need financial, technical or logistical support.
Dr. Ashraf El Rabeiy the Head of QIZ Egypt confirmed that SMEs are considered from the main pillars supporting any economy. He referred to the pivotal role played by MSMEDA in supporting MSMEs and its synchronization with the Trade Reform and Development in Egypt project. This project was launched by the USAID last year for a period of 5 years with a budget of 36 million USD to support 300 SMEs fostering their export capacities.
The Deputy CEO of MSMEDA Eng. Tarek Shash confirmed the keenness of the agency to support the efforts of the Egyptian State in achieving the national target of increasing the Egyptian exports to foreign markets abroad to 100 million USD. He confirmed the long experience which MSMEDA enjoys in supporting MSMEs by coordination with the state bodies in concern.
Mr. Rachid Benjalloun the USAID Trade Reform and Development in Egypt project manager confirmed that the project which started on April 2021 could contribute to achieving remarkable increases in SMEs exports to the U.S. market. He pointed out that the scope of the project focuses on 6 main sectors: Ready – Made garments, home textiles, food industries, engineering products, chemicals and building materials.
QIZ Egypt is currently preparing for holding the second workshop for supporting QIZ companies in Alexandria during the upcoming period.

Quarterly Review Q4 of 2021 will open from 1st till 15th of January 2022.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
Companies that have exported under QIZ during the above mentioned quarter will have to fill out the Quarterly Review Form and send to review@qizegypt.gov.eg before submitting the hard copy.

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2021 will open from 1st till 15th of October 2021.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
♦ All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2021 will open from 1st till 15th of July 2021.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
♦ All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.

Quarterly Review of Q1 2021 opened from 1st till 15th of April 2021.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents to the QIZ Unit during their quarterly review meeting.
♦ Kindly update your company data by filling this Update Form and bring a copy of valid documents to QIZ Unit (originals for reviewing) as follows:
- Commercial Registry
- Industrial Registry or a Statement from GAFI
- Tax Card

Quarterly Review Q4 of 2020 will open from 1st till 15th of January 2021.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
♦ All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
♦ Kindly update your company data by filling this Update Form (click here) and bring a copy of valid documents to QIZ Unit (originals for viewing) as follows:
- Commercial Registry
- Industrial Registry “Statement from GAFI”
- Tax Card

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2020 will open from 1st till 15th of October 2020.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
♦ All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form and supporting documents for review to the QIZ Unit.
♦ Kindly update your company data by filling this Update Form (click here) and send the original valid documents to QIZ Unit as follows:
- Commercial Registry
- Industrial Registry “Statement from GAFI”
- Tax Card

In efforts to push Egyptian exports to the US, QIZ Unit and the United States Fashion Industry Association jointly organized a webinar titled “Should You Shift Your Sourcing to Egypt?” on the 17th of June 2020.
Representatives from 70 American companies and several Egyptian exporters attended the webinar.
During the webinar, speakers from the Egyptian and Israeli government and private sectors shed light on the QIZ protocol, and explained how US buyers can benefit from importing duty-free garments from Egypt. The webinar encouraged US companies to reconsider Egypt’s industrial potential, especially in light of the current ongoing tensions between the US and China.
About the United States Fashion Industry Association
The United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA), established in 1989, works to eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers that impede the fashion industry’s ability to trade freely. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., USFIA represents textile and apparel brands, retailers, importers, and wholesalers based in the United States and doing business globally.
Webinar Recording: https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/2672437086247358726

Total QIZ companies reached 1048 companies in Quarter 4 of 2019, after the QIZ Joint Committee approved additional 18 companies.
+ List of Qualified Companies

Minister Plenipotentiary Commercial Dr. Ashraf El Rabiey QIZ Unit Head and Mr. El Sayed Kamal Negm Head of Egyptian Customs Authority signed a cooperation protocol for electronic exchange of qualified companies information under QIZ protocol.
The protocol helps with the QIZ Unit belief of trade facilitation and implementation of a strategy of constant and periodic control and follow up using information technology for sustainable development.
The protocol states that the Customs Authority provides the QIZ Unit data of exports and imports of the qualified factories electronically where the data received from the Customs Authority comply with the data provided from qualified companies enrolled in the QIZ.
The parties agreed on identifying the points of contact for technical implementation methods.

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2019 will open from 1st till 15th of October 2019.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2019 will open from 1st till 15th of July 2019.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

Quarterly Review Q1 of 2019 has been opened from 1st till 15th of April 2019.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

Quarterly Review Q4 of 2018 has been opened from 1st till 15th of January 2019.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

Quarterly Review Q3 of 2018 has been opened from 1st till 15th of October 2018.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

The QIZ Unit and the United States Fashion Industry jointly organized a webinar titled “Duty-Free Sourcing from Egypt: Update on the Egypt QIZ & New Sourcing Opportunities” on the 18th of September at 8:00 p.m. (in Cairo time)
This webinar aimed to promote Egypt exports through discussing the latest updates and opportunities available in the Egyptian market.
A live broadcast of the webinar was available on USFIA website for those who are interested in the industry.
About the United States Fashion Industry Association
The United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA), established in 1989, works to eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers that impede the fashion industry’s ability to trade freely. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., USFIA represents textile and apparel brands, retailers, importers, and wholesalers based in the United States and doing business globally.

The QIZ unit is thrilled to announce that we are arranging for a visit of a big Irish company that has factories in Myanmar and Bangladesh, to the Egyptian market. The company is interested in producing its products in Egypt and exporting them to USA and EU
The Irish company specializes in work wear and woven fabrics and is looking for an established factory in a qualified industrial zone with an area of about 10,000 m2 for rent, lease or buy.
Kindly note that a delegation from the company will be visiting Egypt from 28th to 31st of October 2018
If interested, kindly contact the company directly on harry@portwest.com and copy info@qizegypt.gov.eg

Quarterly Review Q2 of 2018 has been opened till 15th of July.
QIZ companies are required to book appointments for their quarterly review meeting.
All QIZ companies must submit a complete Quarterly Review Form & supporting documents to the QIZ Unit in their quarterly review meeting.

QIZ Total Exports for the year 2017 value of about $726 million – which represent an increase than of QIZ Total Exports for the year 2016 of value $674 million.
While QIZ Total Imports for the year 2017 is $75.3 million with slight decrease than of QIZ Total Exports for the year 2016 of value $76.3 million.

On the 11th of October 2017, A webinar titled “Strategic Sourcing: The Benefits of Egyptian Qualifying Industrial Zones” has been organized for Export Promotion of the Textile and Ready-Made Garments between Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ) and United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) in participation of representatives of Egyptian companies from Ready-Made Garments Export Council in addition to American audience of over 50 participants from sourcing executives of some of the largest apparel American companies among them were: Under Armour, Macy’s Merchandising Group, Kohl’s Department Stores, JC Penny, Ralph Lauren Corporation, Urban Outfitters, Levi Straus & Co., Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, PVH Corp (Philips Van Heusen) – as well as representatives of American press and media organizations, representatives of research centers and professors from American universities.
Dr. Ashraf El Rabiey, QIZ Unit Head and some of the largest exporters of ready-made garments gave a presentation on QIZ protocol and its competitive advantage, followed by a presentation on the Textile and Ready-Made Garments Industry in Egypt. Moreover, he explained the business opportunities available, how to take advantage of duty-free opportunities, and social compliance efforts in Egypt's QIZs.
The American side of the audience expressed interest in the textiles and ready-made garments industry in Egypt and their concerns were addressed by the representatives of QIZ and the Export Council of Ready Made Garments.
A live broadcast of the webinar has taken place on USFIA website which enabled a larger exposure to the webinar among those who are interested in the industry and those who are drawn to benefit from the competitive advantage offered by the QIZ protocol.
About the United States Fashion Industry Association
The United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) supports fashion made possible by global trade. USFIA represents textile and apparel brands, retailers, importers, and wholesalers based in the United States and doing business globally.

The QIZ Unit started in February a new program to visit industrial sites and cities. The purpose of the program is to have public awareness in the business Community about the export opportunities through the QIZ program. To many, the QIZ represents only a program for ready garments and textile while the truth is it’s a program for all products except the agricultural products.
A meeting between the Head of the QIZ and the Board of the Tenth of Ramadan Investors Association was held on February 28th . It was decided that a meeting with representatives of companies of the city is to follow on March 28th.
This week a meeting will take place with the members of the Executive Office of Investors Associations and the Head of QIZ Unit.

A Decree was issued by the Minister of Trade and Industry Eng. Tarek Kabil appointing a new head of Qualified Industrial Zones Unit (QIZ).
The new head of QIZ, and Chairman of the Egyptian side of the Egyptian Israeli joint committee is Dr. Ashraf El Rabiey. He is a former head of the Egyptian foreign Commercial Service (ECS) and former first Undersecretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (2005-2007).
Dr. El Rabiey worked as a Minister Plenipotentiary in a number of assignments including Washington, New York and Tokyo. He is also a former Chairman of The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) based in Washington DC. He was a guest speaker in many forums, international organizations and universities in The US and Egypt.

Technical team is formed to facilitate the compliance of QIZ exporters with the United States Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) documentation requirements.
1- The team will conduct visits to QIZ exporters similar to the USCBP TPVT (Textile Production and Verification Team) visits: to increase the awareness of QIZ companies about the requirements
2-Increasing the capabilities of QIZ exporters: to efficiently respond to the requirements of the USCBP.